Being on a very tight budget, and having a single income household made shopping for kitchen cabinets a very daunting and incredibly scary undertaking. Several of my friends recommended Designs by Karen and I’m so glad they did. She was such a pleasure to work with!
The cabinets are beautiful and Karen really helped me stay within my price range. She never tried to upsell me and worked with me on payments and was just a joy to work with. I was really at a loss on what to do with pulls and knobs and with Karen’s help I was able to get, what I believe, was the best match. She always kept me up to date on delivery times/dates and even unloaded the cabinets into my garage! She has incredible taste and the installation all came together without a hitch.
I have recommended Designs by Karen to several coworkers thinking about remodeling a bathroom or kitchen and will continue to do so every chance I get!